Sculpture on the property where middle Miss Lorri will be getting married this summer. We don't know what the artist intended to portray but I've taken to calling it "Hangman's Ridge" while casting a look upon the future son-in-law. I like a nervous bridegroom.
Many modernistic sculptures leave me wondering what is it. Your photo is lovely with the stark lines...maybe that's what we are supposed to see. There is a pile of concrete blocks in my city that was commissioned by a renowned artist that also leaves one wondering.
Many modernistic sculptures leave me wondering what is it. Your photo is lovely with the stark lines...maybe that's what we are supposed to see. There is a pile of concrete blocks in my city that was commissioned by a renowned artist that also leaves one wondering.
You make me laugh, and I am sure you have him very nervous! :)
ha! Do you clean your shotgun in front of him too?
Lorri! I never would have guessed you had a mean streak! ;-) A super cool image nevertheless. I love the starkness of the black on white.
The black and white contrast is terrific! I suppose with green and flowers it will make a pretty backdrop for wedding pictures.
Does your daughter roll her eyes? I like the starkness.
It can be whatever you want it to be and I like the way you're putting your own spin on it.
LOL on the comment on the potential SIL. The sculpture has a Japanese feel to it. It's well rendered in B&W.
Best to start keeping that man in line and to have him be slightly nervous of your potential. Will the snow be gone by summer?
I like the starkness too... especially like the natural tree in the background of the man made sculpture.
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