Monday, July 4, 2011


Saptapadi (The Seven Steps)
The bride and groom take seven steps around the sacred fire represesnting the seven principles and promises they make to one another:
1. Together we will acquire energy to share in the responsibilities of married life.
2. Together we will fill our hearts with strength and courage to accomplish all the needs of our life.
3. Together we will prosper and share our worldly goods and we will work for the prosperity of our family.
4. Together we will cherish each other in sickness and in health, in happiness and in sorrow.
5. Together we will raise strong and virtuous children.
6. Together we will fill our hearts with great joy, peace, happiness  and spiritual values.
7. Together we will remain lifelong partners by this matrimony.


~Val said...

Simple principles that all couples should practice. Love the color of their garments against the deep green backdrop of trees.

regularman said...

Those are seven beautiful steps to live by. The kids look wonderful, and it seems they're also being watched over by a Pegasus.

KarenB said...

A beautiful photo and a wonderful set of promises for the bride and groom.

Anonymous said...

Pegasus and Ganesh look like they belong together, as does your daughter and husband.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Beautiful vows that encompass the essence of marriage.