Friday, July 1, 2011


one of those jobs came along. You know the kind; from the outside you always thought it would be your dream job. You would be perfect for it. Marketing design, photography, art design. The perfect job. And you are perfect for it. So perfect, in fact, that it eats your life. Consumes it. And the few little bits the job doesn't eat are consumed with The Wedding. The one your middle daughter has been planning for over a year that has now become a looming reality that leaves you with 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night for 6 or 7 weeks.
And it turns out the job isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn good and it keeps you challenged and sane. Or insane in a healthy way.
The Wedding? A twenty-two hour day blending two families, two cultures, two faiths. One of those Bucket List events that everyone should experience once in a lifetime.
Now that life is a little more manageable, I--camera in hand--am glad to be back in the relative calm of life.


BobbieCoughlin said...

So glad to "see" you again...and glad so many wonderful things are happening in your life (even if they are exhausting.)

Anonymous said...

I think that every Job I have truely loved fits your description, and hey what is wrong with a little healthy insanity now and then.

Kim2900 said...

Welcome back! We've missed you!

~Val said...

You've been missed. Welcome back!

Julie McLeod said...

So glad to see you back, Lorri! I'm sitting down with a cup of coffee to view the wedding photos now. I've been looking forward to this....