Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I think the occupants of this house are used to passersby who slam on the brakes.
I saw a single version of the Futuro home when visiting the Outer Banks a few years ago. This is the double wide version.


Anonymous said...

The Jetsons live there right.

Gisele said...

That is so cool! It looks like it would get hot inside - living in a tin can. I'd love to see what it looks like in there.

Lois said...

One would need a sense of humor to live in this house.

~Val said...

It looks kind of like an ant. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

I bet this is a noisy place to be in a hail storm!

BobbieCoughlin said...

People live there? Way cool! Better than an Airstream!

Jacki said...

I don't see a front door, do you just get 'beemed up' star trek style?

Christina, Sweden said...

that's spectacular! Guess they could make lot's using entrancefee to let people inside. I would love to se what it looks like. Thanks for showing

Anonymous said...

This is what I live to see! I think we did an EZ challenge on the Village forum a few years ago from the Outer Banks image.

Anonymous said...

Steven is right. You must live right to happen upon two such fantastic dwellings!